Waitlist Information
When was the waitlist last open and what date will it be opened again?
Last Open: Currently Open
To Open: Currently Open
How do I get added and remain on the waitlist?
It is community policy to administer its waiting list as required by HUD handbooks and regulations. The community’s compliance software allows management to view and/or print both internal transfer and external applicant waiting lists by waiting list position or application date and time.
A. Opening and Closing the Waiting List(s):
(1) In order to maintain a balanced application pool, the community may restrict or suspend application-taking and close the waiting list. The community will also update the waiting list by removing the names of those who are no longer interested in, or no longer qualify for, housing.
(2) Decisions about closing the waiting list will be determined based on the number of applications and the ability of the community to house an applicant in an appropriate apartment within a one-year period.
(3) Closing and reopening of the waiting list, as well as any restrictions on accepting applications, will be publicly announced in publication(s) likely to be read by potential applicants. Advertisements will include information about where and when to apply, and will conform to the advertising and outreach practices described in the community’s Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan.
(4) During the period when the waiting list is closed, the community will not maintain a list of individuals who wish to be notified when the waiting list is reopened.
B. Updating the Waiting List:
(1) The waiting list will be purged annually, generally in October to keep applicant information current, and to remove anyone who wants to be removed or no longer qualifies for admission to the community.
(2) A letter will be sent to each applicant, asking for outdated information to be updated in writing, and asking whether the applicant wishes to remain on the waiting list. Confirmation must be returned to the community, in writing, using any forms which may be provided, within 30 (thirty) days of the letter's postmark date. Upon request, assistance will be provided to any applicant households with disabilities or limited English proficiency, to enable them to meet this deadline.
(3) When an applicant notifies the community of changes in household composition, the waiting list information will be updated, and a determination will be made as to whether or not the household needs a different apartment size.
C. Removal of Applications from the Waiting List:
The community will not remove an applicant's name from the waiting list unless:
(1) The applicant requests that his/her name be removed.
(2) The applicant was clearly told, in writing, of the requirement to advise the community of his/her continued interest in housing by a particular time, and failed to do so, even after being provided with reasonable accommodations in the event of handicap or disability.
(3) The community attempted to contact the applicant in writing, but the letter was returned by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable.
(4) The community has notified the applicant, in writing, of its intention to remove the applicant's name because the applicant no longer qualifies for assisted housing.
(5) The applicant refused two offers of apartments for other than a medically-related reason.
(6) The applicant accepted an offer of an apartment but failed to move in on time, without notice.
(7) The applicant household needs a different size apartment due to a household composition change, and the community has no apartments of that size.
(8) The applicant household failed to provide SSN documentation for any non-exempt household member after the expiration of the provided grace period.
(9) Applicants will not be removed from the waitlist for failure to respond to requests to verify their continued interest in the waitlist, unless management makes reasonable attempts to reach the applicant using each known form of contact, including via mail, email, and phone, provided the applicant supplies this contact information, and will provide at least fourteen (14) calendar days for the applicant to respond. Management must make at minimum three (3) attempts to contact the applicant, each no less than twenty-four (24) hours apart.
Admission-Related Complaints / Related Inquiries
Who do I contact at Canton Towers with any admission-related complaints or related inquiries?
Tracy Ashton, Community Manager
Management Office
Canton Towers
131 5th St., NE
Canton, OH 44702
(330) 456-7847
TTY 711
Language Access Plan
No applicant or resident on the ground of race, color, national origin, or any other federal, state, or local protected classes will be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits, of housing assistance or be subjected to unlawful discrimination. WINNRESIDENTIAL will provide reasonable and meaningful access to programs and activities for Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons at our HUD-assisted apartment communities.
WINNRESIDENTIAL’s Language Assistance Plan (LAP) reasonably addresses and identifies the needs of the LEP persons at our apartment communities.
WINNRESIDENTIAL uses a third-party language translation service called Language Link, which provides verbal and written translation services for prospects and residents.
WINNRESIDENTIAL will make reasonable efforts to produce or obtain multiple translations of audiovisual materials it uses, if any, to inform or educate applicants and residents.